On a mission to create an enabling environment for the vulnerable in society, especially Women and Children, The Alliance for African Women Initiative was founded in Ghana, West Africa, with a vision to ensure Equitable Development for both Rural Inhabitants and Poor Urban Dwellers, especially Women and Children.
As a grassroots Ghanaian organization, Alliance for African Women Initiative (AFAWI) works to address gender disparities and provide women and children in Ghana with the economic opportunities to thrive in society. The organization works on a variety of projects, from Empowering girls (WASH), which is partnered with the Government of Canada to provide safe and hygienic menstrual management practices to which over 942 students benefited, to Livelihood, which offers small loans and grants to women after a period of training and skill acquisition.

AFAWI also provides value to host communities through the ECCACHILD program which stands for Care and Assistance for Deprived and Vulnerable Children. With this project, they not only provide health benefits like insurance, screening, and special medical insurance but also provide quality education to children via adolescent clubs that educate and equip females with leadership knowledge and possibilities.
AFAWI conducts research on women’s and children’s issues, such as the extent and impact of domestic violence and marital rape on market women in the greater Accra area, the sexual maturation and menstrual management practices of school girls in Ghana’s three northern regions, and alcohol abuse among HIV/AIDS patients in the Ga East District.
Major Accomplishments:
- AFAWI’s support group for persons living with HIV/AIDS.
The group serves 40 people, 34 of whom are women weekly embarking on a nationwide HIV/AIDS awareness initiative supported by the Global Fund for AIDS providing members with monthly packets of educational materials and peer educators.
- The successful completion of a pilot project on sexual maturation and menstrual management practices in three schools in Northern Ghana.
For this project, urinals and toilets were rehabilitated, and a waste incinerator was installed in three schools in northern ghana; 11,456 sanitary pads were distributed; and 150 students and 26 teachers from three schools were trained as peer educators on the topics of sex education, girls’ education, gender equality, menstruation, proper menstrual hygiene, and HIV/AIDS. In addition, each school held a sensitization program on sexual maturation, menstrual cleanliness, and HIV/AIDS, with 336 girls and 410 boys participating.

- Winning The World Bank Civil Society Award for Ghana and being chosen as the World Summit Youth Award Runner-Up 2010
This was made possible due to the successful completion of the sexual maturation pilot project in advancing the Millenium Development Goal on education in Ghana.
Alliance for African women Initiatives also offers internships to young people who want to gain first-hand experience in grassroots engagements and projects.
Read more about Alliance for African Women Initiatives here