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How Africa Gives: Trends From The Global Giving Report 2020

NPTech4Good sponsored by Funraise produced the Global Trends in Giving Report 2020  which provides insights into key trends in the global giving landscape. The annual continent based report covers Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, Canada and the United States, Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean, recording the giving mechanisms and causes most preferred, and examines the impact of digital technology on giving trends within these regions.


Crunching statistics from the report’s section on Africa, Nonprofits are seen to have earned a trustworthy place on the continent, as 99% of donors say NGOs are essential for creating social change, with 80% of donors in Africa volunteer with NGOs, and 91% believing NGOs can be trusted.

Donor trends on the continent surmise men and women give equally at 50:50, with the top causes for giving being

·     Children & youth 22%

·         Community development 11%

·         Hunger & homelessness 11%

·         Education 9%

·         Animals & wildlife 8%

·         Health & wellness 8%

·         Arts & culture 6%

·         Faith & spirituality 5%

·         Human & social services 4%

·         Women & girls 4%

The order reflected above shows that causes aligned with children and youth receive the most donations, while issues relating to women and girls continue to rest at the bottom spot. This highlights the disparity in giving towards causes that affect women and girls in Africa and the need to raise awareness across the continent on gender-related issues.

This awareness is what campaigns like the #16daysofActivismAgainstGenderBasedViolence through digital activism, aimed to drive via social media – a means civil society across the continent must take advantage of, as the report shows.

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There is also a clear,  progressive need for digitalized methods of giving to be co-opted, as 30% of donors in Africa were found to prefer to give online with a credit or debit card, and 53% would like an online system that eases giving (and rewards them, the option for a mobile app that allows two-tap giving to earns badges and redeemable points was popular).

The Giving Report 2020 labels Tunisia, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa as the top five giving countries on the continent, with the millennial generation (who truthfully make up the bulk of the working class) giving the most at 50%. This global report creates appreciable continental data for the African philanthropy sector but also spots the need for data on African regional and state-based giving trends.

Read the full Global Trends in Giving Report here.

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