The Curt Bergfors Food Planet Prize is the largest monetary award in the global food arena. It rewards innovative solutions that can help us shift to sustainable food systems within a ten-year timeframe. The Prize is the Curt Bergfors Foundation’s primary tool to encourage agents of change and promote game-changing initiatives. To save the Food Planet, we must accelerate change!
The 2021 IPCC[Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] climate report confirms that there is no more time to waste. It’s Code Red! We, therefore, search for solutions that can be applied at a rapid pace and across food systems – preferably globally.
Nominees can be individuals, groups, organizations, or businesses fully committed to sustainable food or distinctly identified projects implemented by existing companies and institutions. We welcome a broad range of initiatives. They can be science-based or derived from practice, industrial or crafts-based, entrepreneurial or institutional, behavioral, or high-tech. Still, they must have the potential for broad scaling and application.
Grant size: 2 million USD to two winners
Deadline: September 30, 2022