Hosted by the Institute of Food Technologists and funded by the Seeding The Future Foundation, the Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge is intended to support innovations that have the potential for significant impact at scale and over time, and benefit at least one or more of the following intersecting domains: nutritious food for a healthy diet; sustainably produced; and accessible, appealing, affordable, and trusted by consumers.
Who should apply?
Nonprofits located in any country; academic or research institutions located in any country; early-stage or emerging U.S. or European based for-profit companies. Individuals are not eligible to apply. Please note, however, that teams of students or researchers may participate through an organization’s submission. Organizations are encouraged to have their researchers form multidisciplinary teams to compete in the Challenge. If two or more organizations form a team to compete, they should choose one of the organizations to serve as the applicant.
Grant size: (8) Seed Grants at $25,000 each, up to three (3) Growth Grants at $100,000 each, and up to two (2) Seeding The Future Grand Prizes at $250,000 each, totaling up to $1 million annually.
Deadline: August 1, 2022