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Call for Letters of Inquiry for Large Grants

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and a consortium coordinated by IUCN NL and SAF/FJKM, as regional implementation team for the hotspot, are accepting letters of inquiry (LOIs) from nongovernmental organizations, community groups, Indigenous peoples’ organizations, women’s groups, private companies, and other civil society organizations.

In response to the challenges of climate change in the Indian Ocean island countries, CEPF has prepared a new program titled Ecosystem-Based Adaptation in the Indian Ocean, financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), through ’AFD as the Accredited Entity. The new program will provide targeted funding to mobilize CSOs in implementing EbA.


  • Eligible Countries: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles
  • Nongovernmental organizations, community groups and associations, universities and research institutes, private enterprises, and other civil society organizations may apply for funding.
  • Individuals are not eligible. Individuals should work with civil society organizations to develop applications rather than apply directly.
  • A government-owned enterprise or institution is eligible only if it can establish that it:
  • Has a legal personality independent of any government agency or actor.
  • Has the authority to apply for and receive private funds.
  • May not assert a claim of sovereign immunity.
  • Applicants based outside the eligible geographic areas may submit an application as long as the project deliverables are focused on the conservation needs of this call within the eligible geographies.
  • Preference will be given to projects that (i) demonstrate a leading role for local organizations and/or an explicit focus on capacity building for local civil society, and (ii) show that they will coordinate with other organizations to prevent duplication of efforts, such as projects that work with partnerships and alliances. As such, joint projects with multiple organizations are eligible as long as one lead organization submits the application and project partners have clear roles stated in the application.
  • Applying organizations must have their own bank accounts and be legally entitled to receive grants.

Grant size: Over US $50,000

Deadline: December 23rd, 2022

Grant Sector:
  • Development







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