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WCRF International Regular Grant Programme

The World Cancer Research Fund International is seeking applications for Research Grant.

The Research Principles, Areas and Themes define the scientific scope of the World Cancer Research Fund International Regular Grant Programme.

The Research Principles, Areas and Themes define the scientific scope of the World Cancer Research Fund International Regular Grant Programme.

The Regular Grant Programme comprises two main grant types:

  • Investigator Initiated Grants: Investigator Initiated Grants (IIGs) are for established researchers working on their research areas and themes. They encourage collaboration with other teams, therefore it is important to have at least one coapplicant. The aim of this grant funding scheme is to support innovative and original research into the link of diet, nutrition and physical activity in either Cancer Prevention or Cancer Survivors.

  • Pilot and Feasibility Grants: Pilot and Feasibility Grants (PFGs) are intended as startup funds for preliminary research to allow researchers to collect preliminary data or test study parameters to take them to a stage where an application for an IIG would be appropriate. PFGs could also study behavioural change in cancer survivors.


Eligible applicants: lead applicants must hold a research position at the host institution for the duration of the project.

Eligible organisations: anywhere in the world except the Americas (North America, Central America including the Caribbean, and South America).

  • Grant applications are open to a Principal Investigator based at a research institution from any country outside the Americas (North America, Central America including the Caribbean, and South America).
  • Applications with the Principal Investigator based in a low- and middle-income country are also encouraged, such as for high quality studies that explore relevant exposure-outcome links in under-researched regions or population. Applicants should ensure the relevant expertise has been secured, for example through appropriate international collaborations.

Grant size: $100,000 to $500,000

Deadline: November 7th, 2022

Grant Sector:
  • Health







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