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One Young World Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 10

About the Grant

Applications for the Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 10 is now open. SDG 10 calls or reducing inequalities in income as well as those based on age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status within a country.

Asahi is proud to support the Lead 2030 Challenge for SDG 10, to reduce inequalities within and among countries, with a focus on women’s rights and representation. We have partnered with the LEAD Network to help to help us increase the representation of women in our company. The Challenge aims to connect with and support solutions that positively impact the wellbeing and future of vulnerable women in society by supporting and enabling them to feel like they belong through greater inclusion and representation in their community.

The challenge welcomes solutions from young innovators that either:

  • Create equal access to opportunities for women for all social and economic backgrounds.
  • Create an inclusive culture and environment for disabled women and women who are older.
  • Engage employees in global volunteering initiatives to promote and support women in their local communities.
  • Creating solutions for women who are impacted by alcohol-related issues personally and within their communities.

Possible solutions may include but are not limited to:

  • Partnering with for-profit and/or non-governmental organizations to develop a partnership in supporting women.
  • Supporting women by creating access to healthcare, justice, education, safety and raising awareness of discrimination and bias that women face.
  • Increasing inclusion and representation of women in politics, sport, the arts and culture.
  • Solutions that enable organisation’s to support reducing inequalities for women within their local communities.

Challenge Criteria

Aligned: Evidently aligned with the challenge. See ‘About’.

Youth-led: Founded by a person aged 18 – 30.

Focused: Well-structured time horizon, identified key stakeholders and beneficiaries, and proposed outcomes that are reasonable and well thought out.

Market ready: Product/service already in market or ready to go to market.

Impactful: Solutions must have a positive social impact, for example generating employment, or developing skills.

Measurable: Impacts of solutions must have been adequately measured and/or be measurable.

Financially viable: Must be able to achieve efficiency and to survive independently through the resources they generate and/or the investments and donations they attract.

Scalable: Potential to perform as well or better after expanding in scope or size and/or being transported to other regions.

Challenge Prize

The winning solution will receive:

  • Sponsorship to participate in the One Young World Summit 2022 in Tokyo from 16 to 19 May
  • A US$50,000 grant from Asahi
  • 12 months of mentorship from a team of Asahi professionals. The mentorship team will work to accelerate your solution based on the needs of your initiative or organization, such as:
    • Business strategy
    • Best practices for data collection
    • Monitoring and evaluation
    • Product design

Grant Size: USD 50,000

Deadline: December 15, 2021

Grant Sector:
  • Education
  • Human Rights & Democracy
  • Environment
  • Development
  • Women & Gender
  • Youth & Children







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